May’s Note
Greetings and grace to you in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord for you dear ERBC family! Your love is conspicuous, as it should be (John 13:35). Life can change abruptly without warning, but praise be unto the Lord, Who changes not! God is good, all the time; you can trust Him. “God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Cor. 1:9)
The month of May brings many things along with flowers, especially in the life of ERBC. Our Ministry Fair is in full bloom, ready to be reviewed and ministries signed up for participation. The Family Ministry begins to blossom with its first two ministry events. On May 4 is Family Kickoff, a time of fellowship and games. Please contact Nathan or Hannah Dunnavant if you plan to attend. Mother’s Day Craft Night is May 9 – fathers bring your children for pizza and making a craft for mom. The Women’s Ministry will be continuing the Ladies Refresh meetings and will be honoring the PCES faculty on May 7. Please contact Jennifer Kobeck for details. Sr. Adult Breakfast is May 9 @ 8am at Momma D’s. The Forget Me Not ministry will have an event on May 13 details to be announced. High School Seniors will be honored by the Youth Ministry with a breakfast and special recognition on May 19.
Winning The Lost To The Savior discipleship study began on April 28 and will continue through July 14 @ 5:30pm each Sunday. This is a bible study written by Francis W. Dixon, addressing the urgent issue of soul winning. The Words of Life Ministries graciously gave us permission to print and use this study. Please pray and participate in this study as we seek together to win the lost to the Savior. “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” (Prov. 11:30)
Except The Lord Build The Home begins on May 5 during the morning worship service. This is a nine-sermon series on the family, which will address all the major areas of home life. From the Word of God, we will hear God’s instructions and plan for a home to God’s glory. “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it…” (Ps. 127:1).
By His grace