June Note

Happy June!

I hope you are well, church family. I am so excited for this summer and all that God is doing! We have some fun things planned for our time together in June and July! By the time you receive this letter, we will have started our Battle for Truth Study for toddlers-5th grade on May 31st. This study for ERBC Kids will finish on July 5th, which will lead us right into VBS Week! I am so excited to be building up the armor of God with our kiddos this summer. As one of our sweet toddlers tried to quote, “God is good, all the time.” Ethan instead said, “God is all the good!” That He is!

We know that God is all the good, because of how freely He shares His love, grace, and mercy with us. This summer, we are focusing a great deal on the armor of God, and how to be ready to love Him, and always serve Him. God’s grace is shown in each part of the armor He gives us, and I do not want to take these gifts for granted. I pray that as we teach the children these things, that they will be ready to stand against the enemy that seemingly prevails today. Yet I know Who wins the battle, and I know Him personally. I hope you do too, and I pray that we can lead our children to the Lord this summer. Please join me in praying for the hearts of those that are hearing the gospel this summer, and that we as a church would be ready to love and disciple them. I cannot wait to see what the Lord does!

Love, Ms. Abby

Please note the change in the schedule below. This summer, we will be taking a short break from Kids Worship. Thank you.

June 4 — Kids Worship, Nursery Care Available

June 11 – Nursery care available for newborns to 4 years old

June 18 —Nursery care available for newborns to 4 years old

June 25 — Nursery care available for newborns to 4 years old


May’s Note


May Note