May’s Note
Hello, Friend.
We are so close to the end of the school year! I want to encourage you to finish the school year strong! We are on a sprint toward summer, so run your race well. Seek the Lord, obey His command, and hold on tight to His promises. Hebrews 12:1 tells us,
“Wherefore seeing as we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”
Friends, we may not be physically running on a track every moment of the day, but we are living our life in front of others before we go from school to summer break. These people that are witnessing us in our everyday life are looking at us and who we represent. I want to challenge you (and myself) today to lay aside the sin that holds you down and show people what living for Jesus looks like.
As we get closer to summer break, I want to tell you of a few plans we have! For ERBC Kids on Sunday nights, we will be working through the study that the adults are doing. This study for children will be a little different than for adults, but we will be focusing on the same topic. We are also working on a children’s choir! During our time together with the children on Sunday and Wednesday nights, we carve out about 15-20 minutes of time to practice a few songs. This ERBC Kids Choir is for children up to 5th grade. We would love to have some more friends come and sing with us! I hope you are gearing up for VBS! VBS is July 8th-12th and we will be going on a Jungle Cruise! I cannot wait to experience this with you and your family.
Ms. Abby